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Law Firm Marketing at Mazow McCullough

In this podcast, Kevin McCullough, Attorney, and Lily Abrams, Marketing Assistant, from Mazow McCullough talk about the firm’s marketing efforts. They cover the firm’s website, social media pages, and community outreach. Then, they talk about…

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What Makes Car Accidents Deadlier than Other Types of Accidents?

Car accidents can be particularly deadly, especially compared to other types of accidents. High speeds, hard surfaces, flying metal and glass shrapnel all contribute to the mortality rates in car accidents.

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What Are the Most Common Causes of Death in an Auto Accident?

Many car accidents are unfortunately fatal, and many of those deaths occur for the same reasons.

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How Much Will a Wrongful Death Case Cost?

If I Have Been Bitten by a Dog, Am I Entitled to Compensation?

Who Pays the Claim in a Dog Bite Case?

What Are the Motorcycle Laws in Massachusetts?

If you live in Massachusetts and ride a motorcycle, it’s critical that you understand the laws regarding safe and legal operation of your bike.

For example, you must wear a Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved helmet and your motorcycle’s build must meet certain conditions. A motorcycle learner’s permit may be issued to applicants age 16 and over.

What Are the Motorcycle Laws in New Hampshire?

If you live in New Hampshire and ride a motorcycle, you should have good knowledge of the laws that apply to you.

The state of New Hampshire does not require helmets for riders over the age of 18 but does for younger motorcycle operators. There are also laws regarding eye protection, motorcycle build, and insurance coverage.

Are Motorcycle Accidents Worse Than Car Accidents?

Typically, motorcycle accidents have a higher risk of critical injuries or fatalities than car accidents. This is in large part because a motorcyclist lacks the protective metal cage of a car that can help absorb the force of an accident if one occurs.

How Can I Reduce the Risk of a Motorcycle Accident?

There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of either getting into a motorcycle accident or being severely injured if you are, such as:

  • Maintaining a safe speed when operating your motorcycle
  • Avoiding dangerous road conditions
  • Wearing a motorcycle helmet
  • Wearing protective clothing
  • Never drinking and driving

Who Can Be Responsible for Motorcycle Accidents?

There are many causes of motorcycle crashes and who can be held legally responsible depends on how the collision occurred.

Liability may fall on:

  • The other driver(s) involved in the accident
  • The seller of the motorcycle
  • The manufacturer of motorcycle parts
  • A mechanic that worked on the motorcycle
  • Cities or towns in cases of motorcycle accidents caused by poor road conditions

How Many People Are Killed by Motorcycle Accidents?

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) reports that motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to be killed in an accident than car drivers. Motorcycle accident fatalities make up 14% of almost all motor vehicle collision deaths. On average, roughly 5,000 people lose their lives to motorcycle crashes every year.

Should I Call My Insurance Company After a Motorcycle Accident?

Yes, you should contact your insurance company after a motorcycle crash, even if your injuries or the damage to your motorcycle or the other driver’s vehicle is minor.

Motorcycle accident insurance works a little differently than traditional automobile insurance in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, so it’s important to have a good understanding of what your insurance policy will and will not cover.

Will a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Pay for Funeral Expenses?

If a loved one was killed because of a motorcycle accident caused by someone else’s negligence, funeral expenses should be considered an included economic damage.

Be sure to obtain financial records from the funeral home regarding costs of preparation of the body, burial, or cremation and submit them to your attorney. Your lawyer will add these damages to any lost wages, medical expenses, vehicle damage, and other economic damages sought in your motorcycle accident case.

What If I Don’t Feel Hurt After a Motorcycle Accident?

Whether you feel hurt or not, it’s in your best interest to go to the emergency room and be evaluated by medical professionals immediately after the accident for two reasons:

  1. Often, even serious injuries can’t be felt right away due to adrenaline and shock experienced after an accident. Even if you don’t feel like you’ve been hurt, you may have internal injuries that you aren’t yet aware of.
  2. If you do not obtain medical treatment right away and decide to pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit later, the other side can use this against you as “proof” that you weren’t really injured.

On all fronts, it’s always best to get checked out after a motorcycle collision to protect your health and your legal rights.

Do I Have to File a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit to Get Compensation?

You do not necessarily have to litigate your motorcycle accident case to obtain financial restitution. Ideally, you will be able to collect the full and fair compensation you deserve for the accident through settlement negotiations. Litigation is generally seen as a last resort when the other side refuses to offer a settlement that covers your damages in full.

How Can a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Assist Me?

Talking to insurance companies after an accident can be a harrowing experience. They’re not as much on your side as you might think; they’re businesses with the primary interest of protecting their bottom line.

Denying your claim or offering you a lowball settlement is usually in the company’s best interest and what you’ll likely be met with. A motorcycle accident attorney can help you navigate the insurance red tape, advocate for the highest possible settlement in your case, and represent you in litigation if going to court is the right move.

How Do I Know If I Have a Personal Injury Case?

If you were hurt in an accident that wasn’t your fault and suffered damages as a result, you may have a case. An experienced personal injury lawyer can review available evidence and help you decide if pursuing a settlement is in your best interests.

What Are the Different Types of Personal Injury Cases?

Is There a Time Limit to File an Accident Lawsuit?

After an injury, there is a window of time called the Statute of Limitations. Once this time frame passes, you can no longer file an insurance claim or lawsuit.

In Massachusetts and New Hampshire, the Statute of Limitations is three years for personal injury cases.

Do I Have to Go to Court to Get Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

No. In fact, most personal injury cases are settled with insurance companies outside of court. Litigation is usually considered a last resort when you are unable to negotiate a fair settlement that covers at least the basics, like lost wages and medical expenses.

How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

How much your case is worth depends on a lot of factors, including the nature and severity of your injuries, if there is any shared fault or comparative negligence, and the financial damages you suffered as a result of the incident.

Personal injury lawyers use mathematical formulas to determine the approximate value of your case. They’ll multiply your economic damages by a number, usually between 2 and 5, to calculate an estimate of your non-economic damages. Then, if necessary, punitive damages are added.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Settlement?

The amount of time it takes to get a finalized settlement from the start of your case is difficult to predict. There are numerous factors that are involved in whether your case will settle quickly, or if it will be a long, drawn out lawsuit. Your personal injury attorney can help give you a ballpark figure after reviewing your case.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me?

A personal injury attorney ultimately is there to help you recover damages you suffered from an accident caused by someone else’s negligence. They can help you calculate the costs and emotional damages you incurred and file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company or pursue litigation if it’s in your best interest.

How Do I Pay a Personal Injury Attorney?

Personal injury law firms almost always work on a contingency basis. This means that your lawyer takes a percentage of your overall settlement if you win. If you don’t win your case, you do not owe your attorney anything.

Were you or a loved one injured? Mazow | McCullough, PC can help. Call today for a consultation at (855) 693-9084.

What Causes Dogs to Bite or Attack?

Dogs can bite or attack without warning. However, some of the most common reasons a dog will attack include:

  • A dog is protecting their food
  • A female dog is protecting her litter of puppies
  • A dog is protecting his or her property or owner
  • A dog feels threatened

Can I Have a Dog Bite Case Even If My Physical Injuries Were Minor?

If a dog attacked you and you incurred any lost wages or medical bills as a result of the incident, you may have a case even if your injuries are minor or the dog never actually bit you. Psychological damages may also be compensable depending on your case.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) After a Dog Bite

Who Is Responsible for Dog Bite Injuries?

Typically, the owner of the dog is responsible for the injuries and property damage that their dog causes.

If the dog is at a veterinarian’s office and a vet tech gets bit, their employer may be responsible for damages if they failed to provide a safe working environment.

If the dog is in the care of an animal shelter or humane society, the city, town, or privately run shelter may be at fault.

What If I Don’t Know the Owner of the Dog Who Bit Me?

If you don’t know who owns the dog that bit you, it may be more difficult to obtain compensation in a dog bite claim or lawsuit. It may be possible to track down the owner or responsible party with the help of an experienced dog bite law firm.

Do I Need to Go to Court to Win My Dog Bite Case?

No. Litigation is not always – or even often – necessary to receive the full and fair settlement you deserve after being attacked by a dog.

Usually, the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance company is the entity that pays for the claim. This makes it easier for people who were attacked by their friend’s or neighbor’s dog to obtain the financial restitution they need.

How Much Compensation Can I Get from My Dog Bite Case?

How much financial compensation you can obtain depends on many factors, including the severity of your injuries, medical treatments that were needed, any permanent scarring (especially on the face), psychological trauma, and if the victim is partially or fully disabled and either no longer able to work in the manner they once did or at all.

How Long Will It Take to Obtain a Final Settlement?

If you can reach a settlement agreement with an insurance company, this could take just a couple of months. If you need to pursue litigation, your final settlement could take multiple months or even more than a year.

How Can a Dog Bite Attorney Help?

A dog bite lawyer who has a proven track record of success with dog bite cases can be an invaluable asset in a dog bite case. Your attorney can help you identify responsible parties, calculate current and future damages, and advocate for your best interests throughout every step of your case.